Bunkkerointitoiminnan ja -johtamisen todistus
Online United Kingdom
12 Weeks
Täysaikainen, Osa-aikainen
Hakemuksen jättämisen määräaika
Pyydä aikaisinta alkamispäivää
GBP 1 999 *
* + alv @ 20 % brittiläisille yksityishenkilöille ja brittiläisille yrityksille
Hanki asiantuntemusta alusten polttoaineen tankkaustoiminnasta ja hallinnoinnista.
Kehitä asiantuntijatietämystäsi bunkkerin sidosryhmien oikeudellisista, teknisistä, operatiivisista ja kaupallisista kysymyksistä.
Certificate in Bunkering Operations and Management on tärkeä kurssi kaikille bunkkeripolttoaineen parissa työskenteleville. Se antaa syvällisen ymmärryksen alasta, markkinoiden toiminnasta, kaupallisista, teknisistä ja toiminnallisista näkökohdista sekä alan sääntelystä.
Ainoana bunkrausta ja bunkkerinhallintaa käsittelevänä etäkurssina tämä ohjelma auttaa opiskelijoita pysymään ajan tasalla alan viimeisimmistä edistysaskelista, kuten IMO:n määräyksestä, jonka mukaan alusten on vähennettävä polttoaineidensa enimmäisrikkipitoisuus 0,5 prosenttiin, mikä vaikuttaa bunkkeritoimintaan.
Ohjelman tulos
What you'll learn
- The role the bunkering business plays in the shipping industry, plus the fundamentals and key players operating within the bunkering sector
- The technical and physical nature of marine fuel, the required quality and how it is produced, recent and future fuels coming into use
- Operations relating to handling and storage of bunker fuel
- Discover international regulations applying to managing bunker fuel, and how to minimise the impact in the event of mishaps (and prevent them from happening in the first place)
- Examine each stage of the commercial process and assess best-practice pricing and purchasing strategies
How you'll learn
Every course is broken down into manageable modules, designed to accelerate your learning process through diverse learning activities:
- Work through your instructional material online
- Interact with your peers and learning facilitators through the online forum to discuss subject-related issues and to network with your fellow learners
- Investigate relevant, real-world case studies
- Apply what you learn each week to ongoing project submissions
Ohjelman lukukausimaksu
Ohjelman tarjonta
This Certificate is now available on-demand on our innovative e-learning platform.
This on-demand course will give you complete control over your Lloyd’s Maritime Academy training experience. Choose your pace and start learning whenever you want, from wherever you are!
Who is on-demand training for?
On-demand training may suit you better than a scheduled course if you:
- Are you working to a deadline or need to begin your training immediately
- Want the ultimate flexibility to study at a time and pace that suits you
Experience our industry-leading training your way
- When you purchase an on-demand course, you have 6 months to complete your training.
- Learn on your own terms and start today!
100% online
- Accessible – 24/7 availability from wherever you have an internet connection
- Flexible – take control of where, when, how and the rate at which you study
- Professional – industry-leading course directors and tutors
- Quality – study the same course used by corporations for internal training
- Network – with tutors and like-minded professionals from around the world. Use our online tutorial forum to ask questions and share knowledge
- Save money – no additional travel or accommodation costs