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Robert Kennedy College Online MBA Leadership and Sustainability - University of Cumbria (UK)
Robert Kennedy College

Online MBA Leadership and Sustainability - University of Cumbria (UK)

City of Carlisle, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta

1 up to 5 Years


Täysaikainen, Osa-aikainen

Hakemuksen jättämisen määräaika

Pyydä aikaisinta alkamispäivää

CHF 12 000 / per year *


* fees payable in interest free instalments


In a changing world, leadership is the ability to influence a group towards goals and values which are sustainable and contain a vision for the future. Designed for tomorrow’s leader, the MBA in Leadership and Sustainability creates distinctive managers with a unique leadership-oriented career opportunity. This programme in Leadership and Sustainability creates individuals who have the ability to be far-sighted and actively engage with their environment to responsibly transform ideas into reality.

Verkko-MBA:mme voi toimia katalysaattorina yritystietojesi kasvattamiseen ja tuoda uusia näkökulmia ammatillisiin tavoitteisiisi.

Learn at Switzerland’s premier private college and graduate, with students from over 130 different countries, from the University of Cumbria.

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